Daysy simplifies scheduling, allowing you to create sheets with customizable timeslots. The app automatically organizes timeslots, can highlight the current timeslot, and provide notifications for seamless time management.
Daysy is a free app for iPhone and iPad that digitizes your PECS sheets and binders, facilitates schedules, first-then steps, as well as basic communication. Daysy's primary goal is a straight-forward, simple design and set up that is quick and easy for both individuals and their caregiving team! With high demand for digital PECS replacements and AAC applications, there is little to no comparable solution on the market. Get Daysy for free on the App Store today!
View on the App StoreDaysy simplifies scheduling, allowing you to create sheets with customizable timeslots. The app automatically organizes timeslots, can highlight the current timeslot, and provide notifications for seamless time management.
However, Daysy is not just limited to timeslots. Daysy allows you to design sheets with your own labels, for a personalized and flexible experience.
With Daysy, personalization goes beyond labels. The app lets you choose your own images and/or labels, adding a unique touch to all of your Sheets.
Insights from Our Community: Hear from Daysy users about their experiences with the app. Discover how Daysy is making a difference in people's lives.
“It was fantastic. I really liked the feature of having different timeslots/schedules for the same participant. I was able to show his group home how to make his visual menu electronic on the iPad and they could switch over to also just make his regular visual schedule on there too. It was awesome!”
Clinical Director at Autism Society of North Carolina"I absolutely love how easy it is to learn Daysy! In seconds, I can create edit and customize schedules and pictures - it's actually fun to use. Daysy is a cutting edge communication tool that allows me to adapt it to suit anyone's needs and skills. Daysy helps build relationships by enhancing communication and reducing frustration."
Psychologist and Early Childhood Educator"Josh has used communication apps for years now, but he needed a schedule app that was simple as well as flexible. Daysy allows to us to easily support him and quickly adapt changes in schedules with caregiver-friendly interface."
Parent of an individual with Autism"I’ve been both a researcher and designer for many products, and I can say that this one was created the right way: meeting an important user need with a very usable design."
UX Researcher and Psychologist